Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Adding custom brushes & Photoshop 7.0?

I have downloaded a few custom brushes off of deviantART, but I'm clueless on how to add them to my brushes so that Photoshop can recognize them.

How do I add the brushes so that I can finally use them?

I'm using Photoshop 7.0.

And the brushes I downloaded have the extension .PspScript

(Just thought I'd add that bit of information incase the files are only compatible with newer versions of Photoshop.)

Any help will be appreciated. Thank you!

Adding custom brushes %26 Photoshop 7.0?computer

Are you sure those brushes are for Photoshop? Because I think .PspScript is a format for Paint Shop Pro scripts. No wait, I'm definitely sure that is a Paint Shop Pro format.

If you're looking for Photoshop brushes, make sure they're in .abr format.

As for installing these brushes, save the .abr files in C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 7\Presets\Brushes folder. Then run Photoshop, select the brush tool, and in the brush settings toolbar click the small arrow and select 'Load Brush'.

Adding custom brushes %26 Photoshop 7.0?free spyware

if i remember it right, go to your drive C - program files - adobe - adobe photoshop - presets, then just copy paste it there in the brushes. =)

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