Monday, August 16, 2010

How do I scale in Photoshop without blurring?

I am using Photoshop CS3 and have a very small image (about 10x10) and I need to make it MUCH larger without losing its pixely look. When I scale it in Photoshop, it blurrs the pixels together after I accept the transformation. Is there any way to stop this?

How do I scale in Photoshop without blurring?free spyware remobal

1. Go to your preferences... (Ctrl+K or Command+K depending whether PC or Mac.)

2. Under the General Tab (should be the default that shows up), right under Color Picker it should have a drop down that says Image Interpolation. Change that to Nearest Neighbor (preserve hard edges).

Thats as close as its gonna get I think..couldn't figure out any other way...if I understood your question properly.

Best of luck. =)

How do I scale in Photoshop without blurring?kawasaki

punk1n13 should get 5 stars. That is the best way to enlarge a small image to keep the pixelated look. I just enlarged a 25x25px 72dpi to 2.5x2.5 inches 200 dpi using ''nearest neighbor'' and graphic kept blocky pixel look I was after. Report It

Unfortunately there isn't. You can enlarge an image only up to a point before the pixelation is noticeable. With an image that's 10x10, there's very little detail in it to begin with so there's not too much room to enlarge it. If it's a relatively basic image, you can enlarge it, create another layer, and then try your best to trace over it and recreate the image.

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